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“Like an animal preying on a smaller animal, but a wily smaller animal.” I couldn't help but try to stay with her, keep pace with her, and not let her get away,” he said with a laugh. Throughout shooting, it was wild and exciting. And then she came in, and it was like diving into white-water rapids and having no desire to hang on to the side. “She was the last person to screen-test, and I was so bored of it by then that I was mucking about-I'd been pretending I was Tom Hanks or Seth Rogen. “It was like I woke up when she came in,” he told Teen Vogue in a 2012 interview with Stone. News of Garfield's casting as Peter Parker came out on July 2, 2010, meaning that Stone and Garfield's joint audition likely happened that summer.

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Garfield spoke about being drawn to Stone during their screen test. News of Stone's casting in The Amazing Spider-Man with Garfield broke during the first week of October 2010 Speak Now came out October 25, 2010. Here's the exact sequence of events known publicly:

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